Revisiting SG 2019
It was a truly ambitious project, and we managed to carry out almost everything we had planned - not only Education, but also other seven were built in a higher specification, though the preparation process was performed at a distance, and in some cases students, moderators, experts and organizers only today switched from "virtual" acquaintanceship, that is, met in person.
Many thanks to the students for warmly embracing the idea of holding a large extracurricular, albeit educational, event and enthusiastically working on its implementation, although the issues discussed, the preparation methods, and the format itself were not student at all. They are interested in many things, they are not afraid of acute and complex problems, they speak quite good, and sometimes very good English. Masters, foreign students joined (special thanks to everyone who contributed to this), demonstrating the internationalization of business education at the RANEPA. The event, organized by students and for students, has become a real "Student Gaidar", with a grown-up approach to discussing global trends.
Let's hope - as because we all want this happen, that this initiative will become an important annual event in the calendar of the Presidential Academy.